Week 4 – Mission Accomplished


Club Zoom Call

Put it in your diary – Sunday February 28th Club Zoom Call

Look who’s following me!

Orla Donnelly

Isabella Stewart

Chloe Caffery

Jessica Earls

Karen Graham

Isobel O’Sullivan

Derval Murray

Declan Caffrey

Day 28


Last run of the challenge. Beautiful day to finish. This week i found it hard to get out running with wanting to have a bit more family time and other commitments. Having those smaller runs and a little more time off gave the body a easy week. That leads to this run today. This run is the fastest I have ran in 15 years …… 12km in 1 hour 3 mins ….. Average pace 5:10 per km.


Thanks to all my followers  … you kept me focused on the task! Looking at what everyone was doing gave me that push I needed each day.


Even though we can’t train together I felt the club with me on every run !!!



Day 26

Friday run easy 5km lovely evening for it. Enjoy the last couple of days.

Chat tomorrow.

Big shout out to Isabella stewart who tackled the hill repeats great running. Very proud!!!

Day 25

Thursday run 5km
Wednesday run 7km

Hi all hope you are all well this final week. Took Tuesdays off as busy at home. Ran wednesday 7km and yesterday 5.75km enjoyed last night legs back working better!!!. Today 5 to 7km. Saturday i will see as am coastguard training. Sunday 7 to 10km. Remember zoom call sunday a 7pm.


Day 22

Mondays run 7km. Well here we are week 4! It has beem great going onto the followers page and seeing everyone getting out there and being active. For me this week is about setting up the weeks that follow after this challenge. So this week is easy runs…no 10 km runs and no hills.


Keep it up guys … nearly there wink


Today again 6km to 7km run .


Week 3 Completed



Week 3 Stats

Run 41.4km down by 4km

Walk 10.5 up by 2km

Steps 93,568 down by 12,000


Just goes to show when you up the tempo of your runs. The body takes time to adjust!!!



Day 21

Sunday run. As weather too bad and body telling me not to run i ran on sunday only.! To make up i did a 10km. Monday 5km, tuesday 5 km, wednesday 5km roll on the last week. Keep it up guys!!!

Day 19

Friday run easy 5k. Legs still heavy from the long run and hill repeats. Im disappointed my followers were not able for the hill repeats! You just cant get good followers these days!!!! Easy 5 km Saturday and sunday Rest day monday…

Day 18

Hi all

Hi all decided to do my long run today as am busy tomorrow and cant go long enough… So went out for the run.

I felt the legs a bit heavy after the hill repeats yesterday. Not to worry i taught. Then at about 6km in on the farenkelly i started to strugle!! It was a long hard run home. Legs werecrying at me to stop … made it home … just !! with 13km done.

Tomorrow a slow flat 6km.

  Keep it up guys smile


A big shout out to Chloe C who I saw ‘Power Walking’ up through Charlsland … Keep it up guys smile 


Day 17

Hi all

No run yesterday 10 hours painting and a 4 hour coast guard callout no time to get out. Decided to make it my rest day!! Today is a hill repeat day!!! Im running from the traffic light below lidil up the hill to top of sea green. Recovery is the return leg back to start. 5 repeats 1 slow second medium. Second and last should be the same time. Pick your hill and let me know how you got on!!

Today hills 5k approx no more

Thursday 7km slow

Friday long

Saturday 7km

Sunday 7km.

Run starts at end of cycle path sign below the entrance of temple carrig. Finishes at pedestrian crossing at top of sea green. Not the one at waverly!!.

My Result

Lap 1    4.19

Lap 2    3.55

Lap 3    3.55

Lap4    4.08

Lap 5    3.46

Each hill repeat is 740 meters

Enjoy ..smile

Day 15

Best of luck to all my followers this week!! Here we go again … Week 3 !!! I ran 6km today … nice and easy …

Week 2 Completed



Summary Stats


Run 45km up 10km

Walk 8.5km down 5.5km

Steps 115,359 down 7648

Total distance 54km up 5km.


Another good week need to up the walking this week!! Very happy with the running!!!

Day 14

Day 14 two weeks in. Half way. Nice 8km run today. Next week we will up the tempo a little bit. Monday 5km easy. Tuesday surprise session. Wednesday slow 5km thursday off friday long run. Any change I will keep you posted. John

Keep it up guyssmile

Day 13

Easy 5 and a bit km today. Nice and cold. Running out of run gear so it was shorts today. Legs feeling good after 11km yesterday. 5km again tomorrow. Keep it up it get easier!!!!

Tomorrow nice and easy 5km run. 

Keep it up guyssmile

Day 12

Hi all back at it today lovely run glad I took yesterday off!

Great to see my loyal followers doing some amazing work. You are all keeping me honest.!!

Tonight’s run was nice 11km … wanted 12 and thought my body would give me that! But hay thats life! Felt strong all they way.

First time in about 10 years I have run over 10km !!! 

Tomorrow nice and easy 5km run. Sunday the same. 

Keep it up guyssmile

Day 10

Day 10. 8km. Didn’t really feel like the run tonight. But once i was out there i enjoyed it all the same. Steady pace for first 3k then up it slightly middle section for about 1.5km. Tomorrow is a day of rest no running just a little walk. Important to take your rest days.

Well done guys … keep up the great work … Remember I’m watching !!!! wink

Day 9

Great recovery 5km tonight. I really enjoyed it. I Felt i could have run further and faster. This is exactly what you want on an easy run. Tomorrow’s run 7.5 again easy. Thursday off no running just walking. Friday will try and do 12km slightly longer….


Week 1 Completed



Summary Stats


Total distance 49km

Run 35 km

Walk 14km

Steps 123,007

Day 8 – Did 7km today

Day 7 – Straight out and back 10km

Day 6 – A change in Plan!

No running today, have to wait for furniture to arrive !!!!will get out tomorrow for my 10km run tomorrowsmile

Day 5 – Back Running

Morning all todays route is up. Again an easy run. From lidil through the main street and back via sea front. Big run tomorrow. Lidil up windgates, cliff manor, back via clif walk,  marina village back up passed kevins. This run will be hard at the start so nice and easy. Well done all who are following me.!!! Very proud of you all. John

Day 4 – my day of REST!

No running today, just a walk in preperation for my 10km run tomorrowsmile 

Day 3 – Making Roisin’s Pancakes !

Today I tried making Roisins banana pancakes. I got a few taste testers. Boys really enjoyed them. First one didnt turn out great!!! smile

Day 3 – Hope the legs are OK today !

Today is a slightly longer run 7.5 approx. Again nice a slow working on the heart rate.

Tomorrow will be a rest day so for me just a small walk with the boys. Rest days are very important. Remember its not about jow many days in a row you run. Its about the quality you run when you do. Starting off running every day for a week will lead to injuries!!!. There for my plan for rest of week is

Today 7.5

Thursday off

Friday 5km max

Saturday long run 10km

Sunday off

Monday start again

Keep positive, keep posting, keep going.smile

Day 2 – Still smiling after 6!

Set a very slow pace worked on keeping my heart rate down, especially on the hills. Tomorrow a similar run byt straight out and back 2.5 out and 2.5 back.Hope you all enjoyed today smile

Day 1 – 6.39km  a little more than 5km!

Set a very slow pace worked on keeping my heart rate down, especially on the hills. Tomorrow a similar run byt straight out and back 2.5 out and 2.5 back.Hope you all enjoyed today smile

Poseidon Lifesaving Club Fitness Challenge

John Doyle

Over the month of February I plan on running 140 km to keep my body and mind active as COVID-19 keeps us indoors. My objective is to do 35km per week over a number of different routes. I will post a regular video diary to let you know how I am doing. 

I am really looking forward to to hearing how some of you have challenged yourself with my fitness plan.


Week 1

Target Distance 35k

  Dietary Focus

Increase Vitiman C &  D

Eliminate Crisps

  Route 1:      9.5km

Start/Finish Point: Lidl Greystones

  Route 2:      7.5km

Start/Finish Point: Lidl Greystones