Safeguarding Is Everyone’s Business
Payment Policy
The Poseidon Lifesaving Club Fees Policy has been established to provide transparent fee information, set procedures for the payment of fees and create a framework for dealing with non-payment in a swift and fair manner.
‘Survive & Save’ fees are managed by Mary Browne
‘UCD Lane Training’ fees are managed by Mary Browne
‘Rookie’ fees are managed by John Doyle
Competition fees are managed by Karen Kelly

‘Survive & Save’ Term Fee Structure
Survive & Save’ Fee Structure
These fees are to be paid bi-annually with the first payment on registration and the second payment will be due the first week in February 2020.
The fees per half year will be €180 for one child and €315 for two children.
Payments can be made by Cash, Cheque or Credit Union.

Please put cash in a sealed envelope with your childs/children’s name on it and give it to Mary Browne.

Please make your cheque payable to Poseidon Lifesaving Club, put in a sealed envelope with you child’s/children’s name on it and give envelope to Mary Browne.

Greystones Credit Union
Account Name: Poseidon Lifesaving Swimming Club
IBAN: IE57GDCI99224910149810
‘Rookie’ Term Fee Structure
‘Rookie’ Fee Structure
These fees can be paid on a term bases.
The fees per term per child are €120 or €210 for two children.
Term 4 is €60 per child or €87.50 for two children for the five week term (Wednesday & Thursday). Or €84 per child or €122.50 for two children for the seven week term (Saturday).
First payment is payable in advance of term 1 starting.
Payments will be made by Cash, Cheque or Bank Transfer to John Doyle.

Please put cash in a sealed envelope with your childs/children’s name on it and give it to John Doyle.

Please make your cheque payable to John Doyle, put in a sealed envelope with you child’s/children’s name on it and give it to John Doyle.

Bank Of Ireland Greystones
Account Name: John Doyle
IBAN: IE29 BOFI 9011 3291 7731 12
‘UCD’ Term Fee Structure
‘UCD’ Fee Structure
These fees are based on the number of swimmers and won’t be available until just before the term starts.
Payments can be made by Cash, Cheque or Credit Union.

Please put cash in a sealed envelope with your childs/children’s name on it and give it to Mary Browne.

Please make your cheque payable to Poseidon Lifesaving Club, put in a sealed envelope with you child’s/children’s name on it and give envelope to Mary Browne.

Greystones Credit Union
Account Name: Poseidon Lifesaving Swimming Club
IBAN: IE57GDCI99224910149810