… the rest of us !

February Fitness Challenge


… week 1 – day 7

The Followers

Aoibhe Nolan

Hi I am following Ciara ..this is what I did the first week

Wed 8km
Thurs 5km
Fri 5km
Sat 4.82
Sun 4.9km
Total week 1 = 27.72km 


Niamh Booth

I walk this six day a week wink

Muireann Howley

Hi Guys,

Eight of us went out for a 10km spin on the bikes today. Clark’s dog Dudley gave up after about 8km and joined Yazmyn in the carriage!


Isobel O’ Sullivan

I am following John and did 55.5km this weeksmile

Derval Murray

I am following John and did 32km this weeksmile

Isabella Stewart

Love this challenge. I have had great fun doing it. I did 47km this week. Hoping to beat this next week😊

Olivia Kinnane

Olivias walk this morning ..

I completed 18.8 km in the first week

Ailish Slack

…  Hi I am following Ginawink

Artem Kelly

…  Day 7 … Here is my cycle for today. This totals my kilometres at 108.2k for this week

Wendy Lundy

31.94km walked and 16.40 km completed on the run/walks I did as part of the couch to 5km programme. Did 4 of these this week so I’m happy with that. Attached are the stats and a picture of my walking companion. He doesnt come on the runs!
Hope everyone else is doing well, might be more tricky if the snow and ice comes. 
Thank you 

Sinead Ivory

…  Hi, I finished off week one by doing 5.2 km yesterday and a 5km walk today. Looking forward to week 2wink

Abby Cahill

… This week I have run 13 km and walked 8 km.


Scott Heffernan

… following Gina


Jack Kinnane

… following Gina … Jack completed 6.2 km in week one


Declan Caffrey

… following John … Week 1 stats


Isla Graham

Today Isla did a brick which is a bike and run session. Her runs were 3.03km that brings her weekly run/walk total to 34.46km.

Well done on everyone for getting their distances done.
Karen and Isla.

Karen Graham


Isla decided I should get out of my jammies and run so did 9.76km to bring my weekly total to 45km. Happy with that.


Ciaran Byrne

6km family walk done today. Excited to start week 2

… week 1 – day 6

The Followers

Muireann Howley

We had so much fun doing Zumba this morning! Well done Aoife, brilliant idea! Thanks Amelia for getting us up and running!

Then we followed Luca with a 10km Cycle. It is the biggest cycle JJ (age 7) has ever done! Yazmyn joined us in her carriage which we’ve all decided is the best way to go! wink

Jessica Earls

…  Hi, I followed John this week.  I did 7x5km .wink

Amilie O’Halloran

Hi there,

This morning I did 8.65K.
I am following Ciara Kelly.

Freda & Niamh

…  finishing off the week with a nice walkwink

Orla Donnelly

…  Today I did a 2.6km fast walk in the morning and the I did a 5.45km run in the afternoon and that went to 35km for the week smile

Helen O’Driscall

Cliff walk early this morning 9.5 km walk Lovely morning to be out despite a rainy start.! .wink

Hazel Kavanagh

…  Hi I am following Ginawink

Ailish Slack

…  Hi I am following Ginawink

Lynette Wall

…  Hi I am following Ginawink

Chloe Caffrey

…  Hi, I did a 7.6km walk today … this week walked 29.9kmwink

… week 1 – day 5

The Followers

Shane Kelly

… Photos from Shane’s spin today, following Luca 29km on the mountain bike

Artem Kelly

…  Day 5 cycle Routes

Helen O’Driscall

…  hi  … 3.5 km walk this morning and a leisurely 2km walk to Octogan  this afternoon.  And to finish the day an 8km run with Orla this evening..


Orla Donnelly

…  here’s day five of johns fitness challenge. I did an 8km (walked up the hill) and I’m going to try do even longer tomorrow! smile

Sinead Ivory


Hi Guys, out again today following Roisin, did 5.4 km. Only 10km left to do over the weekend 😀

Muireann Howley

Following Gareth and really enjoying getting out hill walking this evening!

Aoife Finnegan

Day five was a productive one with my run, was chuffed with myself beating a PB! 

Buzzing for Zumba with team Amelia tomorrow.

Catriona & Declan Ivory

…  Almost 30k between us over the past two days following Roisin smile

Ciaran Byrne

Ran 5km yesterday and walked 5km the day before, following Garett smile

Patrice Dowling

… Another 4k run today … so that’s me up to 20km for the week … following and inspired by Freda & Mona kiss

Conor McDonald

5km done today  smile

Janet Caffrey

Beautiful day for a walk  smile

Karen Graham 

Hi, Isla walked today but watch didn’t record distance so she’ll do it again tomorrow.

I ran 4.6km today smile

Isabella Stewart

10.5km run today … thats 40km for the week … John I am keeping up with you  smile

Yvonne Gilbert

Beautiful 5km walk today with Lucy & Beth. Some lovely views along the way. Great start to the weekend! Following Gina😊

… week 1 – day 4

The Followers

Olivia Kinnane

… 7km today following Gina smile

Jack Kinnane

… 5km today following Gina smile

Aoife Finnegan

Took it a bit more easy today , kept a walk in and added a workout , roll on Friday !smile


Aoibhe Nolan

Hi there, I did 8km on Wednesday and 5km today … following Ciarasmile

Helen O’Driscall

Hi all … I am following Freda.  Day 4 and just completed  7.5 km walk this eve. So on 20km in total since Day 1.  Really enjoying the challenge..well done all the leaders for motivating us all!!smile

Artem Kelly

Over 7km cycled today 

Gemmy Fahy

5km run on Wensday morning and the same today wink

Jannet Caffrey

My daily walk, hope your getting them in. 🥰


Patrice Dowling

Inspired by Mona on her early morning walks … another 4km done today


Scott Heffernan

Hi Guys,

Just joined the challenge and I am following Gina smile


Isla Graham

Hi there,

I am following Ciara and running and walking laods. So far I have done 21.87km smile


Clark Kelly

Hi there,

Me doing my 100 skips this morning smile

Muireann Howley

I’m at 10km and hopefully I’ll get another 5km in this evening. 


Catriona & Declan Ivory

…  Almost 30k between us over the past two days following Roisin smile

Orla Donnelly

Hi … I’ve been following John’s plan and here are the first three days of it. On day one I did one of John’s routes (7.5km) then on day two I did a 5km run and on day threee I did a quick 2.5km run.🥰 

Jake Heffernan

Another walk finished today for the challenge.

Conor McDonald

5k DONE wink

Karen Graham


This is todays run. Isla joined me for my last 5km. We managed to get the only rain of the day!!

Sinead Ivory

Hi guys, I did 5.3km today following Roisin. Really enjoying the challenge so far! 

Chloe Caffery

Hi Guys,

Out again today following John – 7.26km achieved … smileChloe 


… week 1 – day 3

The Followers

Aoife Finnegan

Today was a nice chill day happy out and loving this challenge!  🥰


Isabella Stewart

Hi everyone! I am really enjoying the challenge so far and I hope to try and reach John’s target of 140km by the end of the month. Today I ran 5km and walked 4km. I am also making Roisin’s recipes and they are delicious! I can’t wait to see how everyone’s gets on😊


Conor McDonald

Inspired by Roisin- another 5km done today



Chloe Caffery

Hi Guys,

Out again today following John – 7.5km achieved
Chloe 🏃‍♂️🚶😁


Artem Kelly

Two cycles today totallying over 16km … smile


Jannet Caffery

Today’s route and photos along route 

Thanks Patrice 🥰


Patrice Dowling

Inspired by Freda – another 4km done today



Catriona & Declan Ivory

Really enjoying the challenge … following Roisin.

16.5km done tody between the two of us wink


Yvonne Gilbert

Lunch time 5km walk completed today.smile

… week 1 – day 2

The Followers

| Tuesday, February 2nd 2021|

Catroina & Declan Ivory

Really enjoying the challenge … following Roisin.


| Tuesday, February 2nd 2021|

Jannet Caffery

Hi Guys,

Here are my walks for the last 2 days ,  loving this challenge, I’d love to follow Freda and Mona ,
Best of luck everyone
Janet Caffrey 🚴🏃‍♂️🚶😁


| Tuesday, February 2nd 2021|

Jake Heffernan

Hi Guys,

Just a quick update for the fitness challenge.
Managed to get a long 10k walk in today following Gina. 
Regards, Jake


| Tuesday, February 2nd 2021|

Isabella Stewart

Hi Guys,

Really enjoying this challenge trying to keep up with John and Roisin smile


Patrice Dowling

Hi Guys,

… another 4km done today


| Tuesday, February 2nd 2021|

Artem Kelly

Hi Guys,

I am following Luca and cycling about 6.5km a day smile


| Tuesday, February 2nd 2021|

Aoife Finnegan

… showing us how it’s done smile 5k run and 2k walk all done today 

Roll on tomorrow!


| Tuesday, February 2nd 2021|

Chloe Caffery

Hi Guys,

HAd a great walk today … following John
Best of luck everyone
Chloe 🏃‍♂️🚶😁


| Tuesday, February 2nd 2021|

Sinead Ivory

Hi Guys,

I did 5.3 km today, following Roisin


| Tuesday, February 2nd 2021|

Gemma & Emilie Fahy

Hi Guys,

We started on Monday with a 5km run and 2 min plank and a Zumba class today with a 2min plank following Amelia’s plan!
Good fun, enjoying it so far!


| Tuesday, February 2nd 2021|

James Kelly

Hi Guys,

James here, I’m following Amelia and really enjoying it.
I just completed my 5km, plank & skipping.
| Tuesday, February 2nd 2021|

The Gilbert Gang

Gilbert gang 5km walk completed this evening. Great to get out walking after the girls
zoom calls today🚶🏻‍♀️🚶🏻‍♀️🚶🏻‍♀️ 
We are following Gina.
| Tuesday, February 2nd 2021|

Conor McDonald

5k walk done following Roisin 🚶.

… week 1 – day 1

The Followers

| Monday, February 1st 2021|

Muireann Howley

Hi Guys,

Just posting after finishing the 5km run, 100 skips and a very difficult 30 Seconds of a target 2 minute Plank 😅 Looking forward to Zumba in the morning 👍


| Monday, February 1st 2021|

Conor McDonald

Hi Guys,

I did the 5k following roisin  👍


| Monday, February 1st 2021|

Wendy Lundy

Hi Guys,

Started the challenge with 3.12 walk/run (couch to 5km) and then a doggie walk of 4.2km. Total today 7.3km.


| Monday, February 1st 2021|

Patrice Dowling

Hi Guys,

Started the challenge with4km following Freda


| Monday, February 1st 2021|

Silvie Cahill

Hi Guys,

I did the 3.5km following Amelia in 23 mins👍


| Monday, February 1st 2021|

Isabella Stewart

Hi Guys,

Started the challenge with 6.5km following John


| Monday, February 1st 2021|

Aoife Finnegan



The Overall Results

Well done to everyone who is participating
