New Members Section
Welcome to Poseidon Lifesaving Club. On this page you will find all the information and links to information that you will need to know about becomming a new club member. Welcome on board.
Poseidon Lifesaving Club was set up by former Head Coach, John Doyle in 2010. The club is a composed of the junior section called the ‘Rookies’ (ages 8 – 12), and the senior section called ‘Survive & Save’ (ages 12+).
Each section runs lifesaving programes devised by the RLSS UK and certification and level progression is assessed by the coaches on an ongoing basis.
The club is affiliated with the RLSS UK and aligns its policies and procedures with both the RLSS UK and that of Swim Ireland.
We are a competitive club but not all members decide to compete. Having a society membership to the RLSS UK is essential to compete. How to gain membership can be found here.
Health & Safety
We request that all swimmers wear a one-piece costume, no jewellery is to be worn at the club, and that any medical conditions are disclosed on the application form.
All applicants must be 8 years old or above to be considered for joining the club.
The club complies with the RLSS UK & Swim Ireland Safeguarding & Protecting Children Regulations.
A new member registration form is available below. This form requires that you have read in full and agree with Poseidon Lifesaving Club’s policies and procedures. The key policies we ask you and your child to read and agree to are:
1. Parent Code of Conduct
2. Junior Member Code of Conduct
3. Camera & Filming Policy
4. Social Media Policy
By signing the new member form it is understood that you will abide by these policies and procedures.
No new member will be allowed to begin a class without having submitted a valid new member application form.
You are also encouraged to read the clubs safeguarding guidelines and policies and procedures. It is the parents/guardians responsibility to ensure that they understand how the club operates, the fact that the club uses public swimming pools to give lessons and that they have communicated this with their child.
Updates to parents will be done by the club secretary via WhatsApp. Please ensure that you are put on the correct WhatsApp group. The club also makes every effort to update the website on an ongoing basis as well as our Facebook page.
Volunteers are an essential element of the club and its functioning would be impossible without them. If you are interested in lending a hand please let a member of the committe know.
New Member
Application Form
Poseidon Lifesaving Club requires all new members to complete a New Member Application Form to comply with the Child Safeguarding Act 2015.
By completing this form you are agreeing to abide by and uphold Poseidon Lifesavings Club’s policies and procedures.
Please email your completed form with your child’s name in the subject line to